Thank You!
Great Job! You have successfully referred a friend to our program!
Thanks for helping to share the love of movement!
What's Next?
Our team has received your info and we will be connecting with your friends shortly. When we call, we will be ready to tell them all the available days and times for their family to come and visit us to test out the gym. Coordinate with them if you wish to visit at the same time!
If they enroll into a membership both you and them will earn $25 in account credit + any other rewards we have running this month!
Free Outdoor Events
Did you know? Freedom in Motion hosts a Free "members Event" once every 3 months near our gyms. These are a great time for members to invite friends and family members to come out, meet some coaches, try some parkour outside, and learn more about our gym! We often play games like water balloon fights or scavenger hunts as well. Come join us!