Freedom in Motion sponsors a select number of local and regional athletes each year. This team of sponsored athletes is known as Freedom in Motion’s Street Team. Freedom in Motion is proud to be able to sponsor local inspirational athletes! #FimStreetTeam

2017 FiM Street Team
Our Mission in sponsoring athletes is to help support dedicated athletes live their dreams all while producing entertaining, motivating, and inspirational content for the local and global community. Our hope is that by sponsoring these athletes, FiM is helping to introduce more people to the art of parkour. FiM also hopes to further establish parkour as a viable sport and as an obtainable hobby in the eyes of the general public.
Who should apply for sponsorship
Freedom in Motion wants to support local athletes who are making substantial contributions to the local movement community via leadership and/or interesting content. We also seek to sponsor those who have unique and/or highly trained skill sets.
Athletes ages 13 or older
Athletes with an outstanding level of dedication and training ethic
Athletes who are regarded as community leaders
Athletes with a unique skill set or an advanced level of skill
Athletes who have a diverse background or are of a minority population within parkor.
Athletes who live within 50 miles of a Freedom in Motion gym location

How to get on the Street team
About once a year, Freedom in motion announces open auditions for local athletes to take a shot at being on the Street Team. To submit your name for consideration, follow these steps.
Create a video submission at least 60 seconds in length
Snap a headshot photo of yourself
Snap an action photo of yourself
Write a short essay regarding why a FiM sponsorship would help you achieve your personal best and why it would be helpful for the local movement community. Length is up to you.

Benefits of sponsorship
Being a Freedom in Motion sponsored parkour athlete comes with a variety of perks. FiM wants its athletes to have the ability to travel to events, compete in competitions, have the latest FiM apparel and products, and train freely here at our facility.
Free FiM clothing
Free entry into FiM events
Free FiM membership
FiM athletes may apply to be sent to competitions or 3rd party events elsewhere in the country. In these situations, FiM comes up with a custom plan to best help the athlete(s) get out to these events.
Freedom in Motion often is contacted to provide athletes for stunt work and live events. Sponsored athletes have an opportunity to be selected for a variety of paid jobs and opportunities as they arise throughout the year.

What is expected of a sponsored athlete
Street Team athletes are expected to hold themselves as outstanding members of the local community. We expect our athletes to be kind, supporting, and present toward anyone who may be looking up to them. FiM athletes are expected to be law-abiding and convey themselves in a respectable manner in person and digitally on their social media accounts. In addition to this, FiM asks for some photo and video content from its athletes on a monthly or semi-monthly basis.