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Getting Started Guide For New Members

Welcome to Freedom in Motion Parkour Gym. We at FiM love Parkour and stand by the numerous mental and physical benefits learning the sport will bring to our students.

Coaches hanging out before class

We’re so happy to see you and your family taking your first steps on your Parkour journey. To help you get started, we have put together this getting started guide. If after reading through this guide you still have any questions please feel free to email us at What you will learn in this guide

  1. How to use our website

  2. How our beginner’s program works (Level 1 sessions)

  3. What comes after the beginner’s program

  4. How to level-up

By the end of the guide, we hope that you will feel prepared to begin participating in sessions ready to connect with the Freedom in Motion community. If at the end of the guide you still have questions, please let us know so we can further assist you and improve this guide for future readers.

A quick overview of what can be found in this written welcome guide. After you watch this video, be sure to keep skimming through this guide for more specific help on topics covered in this video and other topics not mentioned.

Table of contents

Section 1 | How to use our website

1.1 The Homepage

1.2 Create an account & How to use it

1.3 Checking the schedule

1.4 Enrolling in sessions

Section 2 | Registering for the Beginners sessions (Level-1)

2.1 How do the beginner sessions work (level 1) ?

2.2 How to enroll in sessions (+ Charter schools enrolments)

2.3 Make-up sessions

Section 3 | Level-2 Sessions

3.1 What’s new in Level 2

3.2 How to get better at parkour, quickly

Section 4 | Leveling up and Testing

4.1 When are you ready to test? 4.1B Replacement Checklists

4.2 Level-up testing

4.3 Level-2 sessions & Competition

Section 5 | Holds and Cancellations

5.1 Holding a membership

5.2 Notice of cancelation.

Section 6 | FAQ

Let’ jump in.

Section 1 | How to use our website

1.1 The Home Page | Most of the content on our website is right there on the homepage. The homepage is one long page that you can scroll up and down to find the sections that interest you. By using the menu buttons on the top of the site (desktop version) or by double-clicking the menu icon on the top left corner (mobile phone version) you will be presented with some quick links to auto scroll right to areas of interest on the home page.

You can find critical details like pricing, today’s schedule, and how to enroll all right on the home page. If you keep exploring, you will also be rewarded with things like our highly entertaining gym blog, our clothing store, a photo gallery, and much more. Exploration is key!

1.2 Create an account It is necessary to create an account with Freedom in Motion to participate in sessions & events. Parents can create themselves an account and can add children to their profiles. The process of creating an account is easy, and if you make any mistakes, it’s very easy for a FiM representative to go in and correct them, no pressure!

PRO TIP: Parents please begin by first inputting your own info to make your own account. At the bottom of the page, it gives you the option to add a dependent. Your children’s info will go there. We highly recommend that you make a parent account and a child account.

You can >>CLICK HERE<< to jump to the account creation page.

Now that you have an account, let’s learn how to use it! We put together this short video about the usefulness of your new FiM account. Give it a watch to learn how to use all the features available to you within your account. >>Click here to jump to the video!<<

1.3 Checking the schedule Our schedule is easily accessible right from our websites home page.

1.) Click on the “schedule” in the menu at the top of the homepage, and it will auto-scroll you down the page to the schedule area.

2.) The schedule featured on our website shows what sessions we are offering on this very day.

3.) If you would like to see a weekly or monthly schedule just click the button large button that says “schedule” to jump to the master schedule. Want a shortcut? >>CLICK HERE<< to jump right to the master schedule.

The master schedule is interactive! You may notice that the schedule has some buttons along the top. These buttons allow you to switch between a daily, weekly, and monthly viewing mode. You can even select the exact date you want to see. Also, you can click on the class-blocks on the schedule its self to get more info & to enroll. You can also scroll around within the schedule to see all its offerings. This will be useful if you have a small monitor or screen as it may cut off the sides of the schedule.

1.4 Enrolling in sessions

IN a nutshell the process liks like this

  1. Log into your account

  2. view the schedule

  3. Click on your session of choice from the schedule

  4. enroll participant

  5. Confirm payment

  6. Click Finish

  7. Repeat steps 2-5 for each individual

Note: that one must have an account to enroll in any services. Check the welcome email from us to get started on making an account.

Enrolling multiple students? You need to enroll students 1 at a time. Begin by first logging into your account. Click your class and hit enroll then select a child to enroll. Repeat this for the following children.

New student and not sure what class is right for you? If you are new to our gym, your first four sessions will be in one of these sessions below. Go ahead and click right on one of these links to get started.

  1. Little Jumps Class(ages 4-6),

  2. Youth Level-1( Level 1 for ages 7-12)

  3. Adult&Teen Level 1 sessions(Level 1 for ages 13-Adults)

Section 2 | How to enroll in Sessions

2.1 How do the Level-1 beginner sessions work?

Your first beginners class is only $30 without a membership if you wish to try it out. That first $30 can apply towards your membership if you enroll the day of your drop-in class. The level-1 program is a class series designed for zero-experience beginner students. These sessions are held almost every day of the week, you may participate in ANY day of the week that best fits your schedule.

Jump in anytime! The level-1 curriculum is designed to be beginner friendly. New students may jump into any level 1 class at any time on any day. We just ask that you enroll online before you arrive.

On the day of your first class, you will receive a Level-1 Checklist. Use this paper to keep track of your progress through the beginner’s program. At the end of each class collect a signature from your coach to prove your attendance. Once all the skills on the list have been completed, congratulations you will now be ready to attend the Level-2 sessions after you pass a level-up test! Please, turn in your completed checklist the front desk staff and they will update your account and give you a very special Gym wristband for completing the Level-1 program!

2.2 How to enroll in the next few sessions

After your first trial class, you will be ready to embark on the rest of the Level-1 curriculum. If you haven’t yet purchased a membership, now would be a good time to get one so that you can continue to participate in sessions.

The Bronze, Silver and Gold memberships all will cover the Lv. 1 sessions. For more info on purchasing a membership, please >>click here<<.

To enroll in your next sessions, head to the master schedule and click right on the colored boxes that represent the next class you would like to take. Click the enroll button in the pop-up window to complete your enrollment.

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Enter a captionFreedom in Motion is an approved vendor for many local charter schools. Check out the list of schools we work with. Click here to see our complete list of schools and additional instructions for charter school enrolments!

Little Jumps (ages 4-6) click here for class times.

When are the Level-1 sessions held specifically? For youth ages 7-12 your classes take place on these dates.

Tuesday -through- Friday: 4:30pm – 5:25pm & another at 5:30 – 6:25 Saturday & Sunday: 11:15am – 12:10pm

Click here to see all of the Level-1 sessions for youth on our website schedule!

Teens and adults ages 13-16 & 17 – 65+ class times. Click here to see all of the Level-1 sessions for Teens and Adults on our website schedule!

2.3 Make up sessions

If you miss a class, you have plenty of options to make it up.

  1. Simply Wait until the next level-1 comes around on the schedule. Go back up to Section 2.2 to see exactly when each class is held.

  2. Schedule a private lesson and tell your coach that you want to cover the contents of the missed class. Just let your coach know that you want to cover the curriculum form any particular class and they can do a private makeup class with you. They will even sign off your checklist! Email us to set up a private lesson.

Section 3 | Leve-2 Sessions

3.1 | What’s new in Level-2 Once you have completed the level-1 checklist and pass the level up test, you will automatically be eligible to participate in the full breadth of the level-2 sessions. Level-2 includes about 5 new sessions, each offering their own unique curriculum for students to dive into. We recommend taking these concept courses often & in addition to your level-2 parkour sessions.

A diverse diet of sessions will increase a student’s rate of progression and understanding of the overall curriculum. Mix things up a little, get better faster! -FiM Founder, Jimmy Davidson

These concept sessions include

  1. Speed

  2. Flow

  3. Tumbling

  4. Tricking

  5. Obstacle courses

We also occasionally add new sessions, so keep an eye out! If you have an idea for a class, please let us know!

3.2 | How to get better at parkour quickly

We will soon have an entire blog post dedicated to this topic. until we release that article, we have 3 real pieces of advice on this topic.

  1. Practice often Training for 1-3 hours or more a week is a good start to seeing some measurable progress in your movement. However, training 4-8 hours a week will be exponentially more beneficial to your rate of progression. Take the time to practice, it will pay off!

  2. Challenge yourself – keep things unusual Your brain learns quickly when it’s met with uncomfortable and/or unusual topics to analyze. Make sure to always challenge your skill level and drill movements and courses that are on the outer edges of your comfort zone. Don’t get stuck training the same skills the same way day-in and day-out. Your progress will level off and diminish without the proper variability and introduction of new and unusual elements. Take a variety of class types, and drill a variety of types of movements when practicing. Training with others who have different types of skills than yourself will also help you improve and stay creative.

  3. Strengthen and condition your body lifting weights, increasing your cardiovascular endurance, and overall physical conditioning will be massively beneficial to your training. For every 4 hours spent training your movement, 1 hour should be spent strengthening your body. You will notice your abilities increase after just a few strength training sessions. And of course, be sure t take your rest days and perform self-care often! (Stretching, Foam rolling, Etc…) Our Gift Guide article has some really great self-care tools to check out.

  4. Invite your friends! Studies show that people are more likely to succeed or follow through with commitments when they are a part of a like-minded group. Refer your friends and get rewarded. By filling out >>this form<<, you can officially refer your friends to our gym. If they sign up you can earn free months of membership! Check it out for more info. Take it from us, having a friend to train with is so much fun!

Section 4 | Leveling up and Testing

4.1 When are you ready to test?

What is the level-up test? To level up into the higher-level sessions it is necessary to first complete the level-1 checklist. This checklist contains a variety of skills that are present in the Level-1 curriculum. As you learn the skills in class, have your coach sign off on them one-by-one if you have learned them well enough.

Once all skills are checked off show a coach and you will automatically graduate up into level-2!

Who should test? Testing is for those who have completed the full Lv.X checklist and can perform all skills on demand with proper technique and control. Please see your coach for a copy of the level-up checklist.

Other Requirements? To register for a level-up test, students must have a physical copy in-hand of their completed Lv. 2+ checklist. ( completed meaning all skills have been signed off by a coach) There is a $40 level-up test taking fee for the levels 3 and up


  1. Must have a completed level-up checklist with all skills stamped off by FiM coaches.

  2. Bring your completed checklist with you on the day of the test to prove your worthiness.

  3. Must purchase admission into this testing experience.

4.1 B Replacement Checklists Need a new copy of the checklists? Just ask us at the front desk. We keep track of student’s accomplishments, so we can look up and re-stamp your deserved skills!

4.2 Level-up testing Level up tests are typically held once a month towards the end of the month. >>Click here<< the online schedule for exact dates and times and to enroll in a test session. You may also request a private testing session by emailing the gym.

During the test, your coach will bring the class through a pre-selected assortment of skills which were all shown throughout the level-1 curriculum. Students are expected to perform the skills with adequate levels of technique, control, and strength. Students get 3 tries on each skill to pass. The coaches will be strict, so be sure to work on your tech’ and study up on your terminology before entering into this test. Failing the test will mean you must pay the entry fee all over again!

Need help with testing? PRO TIP: The current head coach is Jacob Blake. He can help answer questions and create training plans to help you prep for the test! You can reach Jacob at

4.3 Level-2 Sessions & Competition

When you pass the level-up test, you will be awarded a level-up wristband! We will update your account with a new Lv-3 (or higher) tag and you will now be eligible to participate in the higher lv sessions to learn a more complex and challenging curriculum.

Sessions available to level-3 students!

  1. Parkour level-3

  2. Freerunning level 3

Competition in Parkour competitions Often throughout the year parkour competitions will be held throughout the south-west region of the US. Freedom in Motion has a very strong competitive presence in our region. We strongly encourage all of our students and coaches to compete side-by-side when these events arise! Keep an eye out for our newsletters for more info. Talk to your coaches for more competition prep, and be sure to take the level-2 sessions often as well and Speed and Flow!

Section 5 | Holds and Cancellations

5.1 | placing a membership on Hold Holds may be placed on an account when members won’t be able to come to the gym for a few weeks yet but still wishes to keep their membership. To request a hold simply fill out this form to let us know. We can hold a membership for up to 3 months. In most situations, a holding fee of $35 will be applied. 5.2 | Canceling a membership Wait… who would actually want to cancel their membership?!

Cancellation Policy Any member may choose to cancel their monthly plan within the first week of the plan beginning. Cancellation within 7 days does not warrant a refund of monies used to purchase the original membership but does guarantee that automatic billing will not occur the following month. After the first 7 days has passed since the date of purchase, cancellations of monthly plans must be given 30 days of notice prior to the plans end date. Once notice of cancellation has been given to the gym, the plan will be set to end in 30 days after a notice is given. If a billing date falls within the 30 days, the payment shall be made, and that month will then be your final month, after which no further payments will be taken.

You may give us your official 30-day notice by >>filling out this form.<< … you will be dearly missed!

Section 6 | Frequently Asked Questions

No questions have been added yet. Have a question? Leave a comment below and we will update this section of the blog with an answer!

Our Parkour Book

Did you know? Freedom in Motion wrote the book on parkour! Our book, titled “This Is Parkour” combines aspects of parkour training, community, and culture all into one easy-to-read book. If you or someone you love is interested in parkour and wants to dive in deeper, we highly recommend that you begin by reading our Ebook! See it here on Amazon.

Connect to the local community

Parkour can be a highly communal sport. Temecula Parkour is a local outdoor group composed of boys, girls, men, and women of all ages and skill levels.

PARENTS: Join our community facebook group and connect with other parents! click here.

Meet locals who want to train parkour with you! Temecula Parkour Connect (TPKC) is the most popular Facebook group for all locals to plan outdoor free events and share ideas and media. >>Click here<< for a link to TPKC

There is also a local women’s parkour group for women looking to train with fellow athletes. >>Click here<< for the Women’s group

Connect with us on Social Media. Freedom in Motion has a booming Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account. Follow us for awesome content, event updates, and the occasional coupon!

Subscribe to our newsletter. >>Click here<< to add your email to our newsletter list. In here is where we dish out the big coupons and talk about the major changes coming to the gym.


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